Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Successful Trip to Goodwill

We took an hour and found us some great deals!
The youngest child a 5 year old boy, found some good school clothes, for his rapidly shooting upwards bodyThe 7 year old daughter did too The 10 year old daughter got a jean jacket and a purse.. Backpacks for the three youngest kid. Nice and Sturdy brands!

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

I can't believe you found all that great stuff!! My dad is a HUGE thrift store shopper. I've gone to DI a few times but never seem to find anything good. Plato's Closet, however, is one that I love.

Your purse is wicked, by the way. Love it.

I Must Set the Example

I Must Set the Example
For these two young ladies (except for the shoe and jean addiction)